A little star with a big heart
Story No.7
The light is already starting to fade as Aki leaves the kitchen. The little eagle feels great and decides to spend a bit more time ambling around the resort.
Suddenly he sees three children laughing happily as they disappear inside a room. Soon after another child appears and then a couple more.
“What might be in there?” Aki wonders to himself. It must be something good, otherwise so many children wouldn’t want to go in.
Aki flies to the large door and flutters in with the next group.
The little eagle has never seen anything like it before. It is a gigantic room with a stage. To the left and right hang heavy curtains and in front there are steps for the audience to sit on.
From the conversations of the children, he repeatedly picks out the word “theatre”. So this must be a theatre! Excitedly, the eagle settles down on a rail above the auditorium. This means he can look down on both the stage and the audience.
More and more guests flood into the theatre. The air is crackling with a feeling of excitement. Suddenly the lights go out, and a bright spotlight is illuminated on the stage. A young woman appears and the audience cheers.
The woman welcomes the audience and they learn that she has been rehearsing a programme for today's talent show with the children. And then the first children come onto the stage.
There are three of them, here to perform a dance together. Aki looks on intently. They are very nervous. Nonetheless, they dance flawlessly. At the end there is a round of warm applause. Aki’s heart thumps as he shares in the children’s excitement.
“I could never do that,” the little eagle thinks to himself. He marvels at the children’s bravery. Standing up in front of everyone on a stage is no small thing.
Next comes a boy who juggles with handkerchiefs. The little eagle is constantly amazed! The children are so talented!
The boy is followed by a little girl with a teddy bear in her arms. She wants to sing a song, but she looks a little afraid.
The audience applauds to give the girl courage. Aki presses his feathers together hard too. The music starts, but the little girl stays silent. What's wrong? Why isn’t she singing?
The music starts for a second time, but the little girl doesn’t make a sound. Aki looks around him. Surely somebody will do something! The poor girl! She seems to have turned to stone.
The music begins again, but this time too, the little one stays quiet.
“That's enough,” thinks Aki to himself, “if no-one is going to do anything, then I will have to help her.” And even though his little heart is in his mouth, Aki flies to the stage to the middle of the spotlight.
To begin with, the little girl is frightened. She wasn’t expecting to be joined by an eagle. But Aki winks at her encouragingly. Then the music begins again. Aki takes the little girl’s hand and begins to crow in time. Of course the little eagle doesn’t know the words. But the little girl has to laugh at the crazy bird and, as if by magic, all her fear disappears and she begins to sing.
And how well she sings! She has a voice as clear as a bell and it seems to cast a spell on everyone. When the song ends, at first there is complete silence, but then a rapturous applause breaks out. Aki and the girl bow.
Two more performances follow, and then the young woman from earlier comes back out onto the stage to choose the winner. The little girl wins the talent show, and not just because she sang so beautifully, but also because she showed so much courage. Aki is delighted.
Now the young woman calls Aki onto the stage and asks for another round of applause. Aki doesn’t understand the world any more; after all, he didn’t take part in the talent show.
The young woman asks him his name and then turns to the audience. “Aki here has shown an amazing talent today. That is to say, he helped somebody who was in need. We will have to come up with a reward.”
Aki turns quite red and the audience claps again. As he flies from the stage, he sees the woman talking with a man. He doesn’t understand everything, but he does catch one sentence - “Aki would be a great name for our resort!”